It is important to disinfect and clean all sanitary transport and equipment once a week, or when taking over after transporting an infected patient.
It is advisable to clean and disinfect vehicles regularly (especially if patients have open wounds or are contaminated) and then decontaminate and disinfect small equipment.
Disinfection is an essential operation that every ambulance driver must be able to perform on a daily basis.
This operation must be carried out in a number of precise stages.
Disinfection is the voluntary and temporary removal of certain germs in order to stop or prevent the risk of infection by pathogenic or undesirable micro-organisms or viruses.
Disinfection involves eliminating these micro-organisms or inactivating pathogenic viruses from contaminated media by modifying their structure or inhibiting their metabolism or some of their vital functions.
The MINIBIO S1 airborne surface disinfection unit is a new concept with many advantages:
It should be carried out between each patient transport.
It consists in changing the bedding: cloth or paper sheets. This bedding is removed and confined in a sealed bag to limit the spread of germs and/or micro-organisms.
The stretcher will be disinfected manually using a disinfectant detergent and a single-use wipe, taking care to use single-use gloves and follow the product's instructions for use.
These instructions are specific to each manufacturer (application time, dilution, etc.).
Wiping should follow the shape of the letter "S" to avoid contamination from one cleaned area to another.
Every item that may have come into contact with the patient must be wiped with a wipe containing an approved disinfectant liquid (handle, barrier, ambulance walls, etc.).
The same procedure must be followed for any equipment used during the procedure: cervical collar, measuring device, etc.
The used wipe and gloves will be disposed of in a closed bag to be disposed of as soon as the ambulance returns to its premises or to the care facility.
Airborne surface disinfection for sanitary transport is a technique that enables the cell volume to be saturated and disinfected very quickly.
In this way, all surfaces in contact with the air are disinfected.
All mechanical and electronic components of the aerial surface disinfection unit MINIBIO s1have been selected after many years of research, enabling us to guarantee a level of reliability that is far superior to any disinfection device on the market today.
We invest heavily in innovation, research and development: IBL's technologies are patented worldwide and our automatic aerial disinfection devices have been awarded the standard NF T 72-281 from IRM, an accredited laboratory "COFRAC" //
We design and manufacture steam cleaning and disinfection equipment, a range of 100% organic disinfection products and appliances. Professional and industrial steam cleaners, disinfection misters for professional and industrial use. We work exclusively with European suppliers. All our components have been selected, tested and validated by our engineers, to guarantee the highest manufacturing quality and 100% Made In France appliances.