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What is mist disinfection?

Disinfection by fogging.

The Brumisation known as: " dry" is a technique of airborne surface disinfection (DSVA). It consists in projecting a disinfectant product in very fine droplets into the atmosphere, using a device: the fogger or nebulizer. The mist thus formed will settle on all the surfaces of the room in contact with the air. They will therefore be disinfected, but without being wet.

It goes without saying that the sprayer will deposit a thin wet layer of disinfectant, which will allow the disinfectant to work faster and more effectively.

Disinfection by fogging is a method of disinfection that consists of spraying disinfectant solutions in the form of fine droplets (or mist) into the air or onto the surfaces to be disinfected. This technique is also known as "nebulization".

Fogging provides fast and effective coverage of large areas while reducing the amount of disinfectant used. The droplets are small enough to reach hard-to-reach places, such as corners and cracks, and to penetrate the deepest layers of porous materials.

This method of disinfection is used in different sectors such as the food industry, public health, hospitals, laboratories, schools, offices, public transport, shopping centers, etc. This method is particularly useful for surface and air disinfection in areas where contamination is frequent, such as operating theatres, hospital rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and gyms.

What are the advantages of mist disinfection?

The foggers are either manual or automatic. The misting devices ofIBL Specifik thus allow the surfaces of a room to be disinfected without human intervention. With a digitally regulated and controlled flow rate, these disinfection mist sprayers ensure automatic product dosing. Simply start the program and leave the room during the disinfectant contact time. In addition, the disinfectant mist will act throughout the room, ensuring total disinfection of all surfaces in the room that come into contact with the air.

Our JETBIO 2020 can be equipped with a rotating table that turns 360°.

JETBIO 2020 - disinfection by fogging - photo of the device
The couple JETBIO 2020 associated with APABIO allows to destroy the COVID19 on all the surfaces. Guaranteed results.

This rotating table accessory allows "non-professionals" of disinfection to be sure to obtain a diffusion of disinfectant everywhere in the room.

This form of disinfection is subject to the French standard for airborne surface disinfection, NF T 72-281, which attests to its effectiveness.

The disinfection foggers of IBL SPECIFIK are easy and quick to program. They guarantee effective disinfection results for communities (day care centers, retirement homes, etc.), medical offices, laboratories, public transportation, the food industry and all sectors that require disinfection in compliance with current standards.

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The fogging disinfection system, also known as fogging disinfection, is a disinfection method that involves the creation of a fine mist of water droplets and a disinfectant.

This method is often used as a disinfection system for large-scale facilities such as public spaces, hospitals, food production plants, offices, airplanes, ships, schools, warehouses, shopping centers and other enclosed spaces.

When the disinfectant is sprayed as a fine mist, it can reach hard-to-reach places and cover a large area. The disinfectant droplets in the mist are optimally sized to reach and kill germs, viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms in the air or on surfaces.

Fogging disinfection is an effective method to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and to maintain clean and hygienic environments. However, it is important to choose the right disinfectant for the type of microorganism you wish to eliminate, as well as to follow good safety practices to avoid any risk of excessive exposure to the disinfectant for people on site.

Steam for disinfection:

Steam cleaning is a perfect cleaning solution before the final disinfection.
please find below links to our articles on the subject:
1 Response
  1. Thanks for helping you understand that spraying disinfectant solutions in fine droplets into the air and onto surfaces is the process of disinfection by fogging. I wonder if this is being done as a part of the medical cleaning procedures in hospitals and clinics. In my opinion, any process that can actually keep any virus or bacteria from spreading should be included in the plants for the safety of the patients as well as the staff.

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