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69 Avenue Aristide Briand
94230 Cachan France


Standards, new equipment and products...

News disinfection and cleaning

Discover our disinfection and cleaning news here: standards, explanations of disinfection processes, steam cleaning methods, the advantages of steam or misting, our new equipment and many other related topics.

photo d'une chambre d'hôtel 4 étoiles, avec un grand lit confortable, des meubles élégants, un bureau moderne, et un coin salon accueillant, le tout dans une ambiance sophistiquée. Pour l'article IBL Specifik sur le nettoyage vapeur en hôtel

Le Nettoyage vapeur en hôtel

Le nettoyage vapeur en hôtel comme pour d’autres secteurs d’activités présente de nombreux avantages avec le matériel et produit adapté à aux besoins de chaque établissement hôtelier. Dans l’industrie hôtelière, la propreté et l’hygiène sont des éléments primordiaux pour garantir le confort et la satisfaction...
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Nettoyage écologique en entreprise : nos 5 bonnes pratiques

À l’ère où la durabilité devient une norme dans tous les secteurs, les pratiques de nettoyage écologiques prennent de l’ampleur dans l’industrie du nettoyage professionnel. Intégrer des solutions de nettoyage respectueuses de l’environnement non seulement contribue à la protection de notre planète mais offre également...
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Entretien de Climatisation pour professionnels

L’entretien de climatisation est un domaine technique où l’efficacité et la précision sont primordiales. Avec le nettoyeur vapeur Clim 3000 d’IBL SPECIFIK, les professionnels bénéficient d’une solution révolutionnaire qui maximise les performances tout en respectant l’environnement. Ce système est particulièrement adapté aux climatisations réversibles, aux...
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Steam cleaner pro: Save water and energy

As a professional, you're concerned about the environment and the profitability of your business. Steam cleaning is an ecological and economical solution to your hygiene needs. IBL Specifik recommends the use of an ecological steam cleaner such as Hydrobio. Reduce your...
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Cleaning and disinfecting mobile homes

With consumer expectations of hygiene on the rise, cleaning and disinfection in the camping industry have become major issues, particularly in mobile homes, where the rapid turnover of occupants accentuates the risk of spreading germs and viruses. The...
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Why use electrolyzed water for cleaning?

Electrolyzed or ionized water Water has always been the cleaning agent par excellence, because it's safe for people and the environment. However, it lacks the properties needed to clean and degrease surfaces properly. In fact, its...
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Replacing formalin in cleaning and disinfection

Formalin, also known as formaldehyde, is a chemical compound widely used in a variety of fields, including as a preservative in laboratories, the textile industry and even in some cleaning products. However, its toxicity and impact on health...
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Ensuring Safe Care: Essential Steps in Disinfecting Medical Equipment

In the medical field, hygiene and safety are fundamental pillars in guaranteeing quality care. Disinfection of medical equipment plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of nosocomial infections. At IBL Specifik, specialists in the design and...
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The importance of cleaning wine tanks

Cleaning wine tanks is much more than a simple maintenance task, it's one of the most important steps in guaranteeing wine quality. As a specialist retailer of cleaning and disinfection equipment, we understand the vital importance of wine tank cleaning...
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Research & Development - Quality customer service

research and development department ibl specifik

Investing heavily in innovation, research and development, we keep our finger on the pulse of disinfection and cleaning. IBL's technologies are patented worldwide, and our automatic aerial disinfection equipment has been awarded the standard NF T 72-281 from IRM, an accredited laboratory "COFRAC" //www.cofrac.fr/.