+33(0) 1 41 98 32 20
Le Showroom
69 Avenue Aristide Briand
94230 Cachan France

IBL Specifik manufacturer of steam cleaning and disinfection equipment

ibl specifik product steambio 3000 professional dry steam cleaner

Steambio 3000 SPL

The Steambio 3000 SPL (Special bedbug steam cleaner) is specially designed to eradicate bedbugs.

It's a powerful, professional, ultra-high-temperature dry steam generator designed for effective elimination of bed bugs and their eggs. Featuring advanced technology, the Steambio 3000 SPL is the ideal tool for rapid and complete control of bedbug infestations in a variety of environments.

IBL Specifik CLIM 3000  : steam cleaner Air conditioning

CLIM 3000 - Steam Cleaner

Special air-conditioning

Our machine, CLIM 3000 , is a Professional Steam Cleaner specially designed for air conditioning splits, allowing you to clean and decontaminate before disinfecting.

Split protection system for Clim3000

SPS - Split Protection System

Hardware for Clim3000

The SPS, is a Waterproof Protective Tarp System, funnel to be installed on the splits before a cleaning operation. It is telescopic, foldable, light and easy to handle.


Made in France

IBL designs ecological solutions that respect people and their environment.
ibl specifik product steambio 3000 professional dry steam cleaner

STEAMBIO 3000 : Professional dry steam cleaner

Ecological & economical

This professional steamer STEAMBIO 3000 is simple, small and very efficient. Supplied with many steam accessories, it allows you to perform steam cleaning of air conditioners, kitchens, floors, sanitary facilities but also inaccessible places.

steambio 4000 Professional Vacuum Steam Cleaner

STEAMBIO 4000 : Professional vacuum steam cleaner

Cleaning & Disinfection

This professional vacuum steam cleaner sprays and vacuums at the same time for optimum cleaning performance, making the operator's job easier. It can be used with detergent/degreaser products (under certain conditions dictated by occupational health organizations).

presentation of STEAMBIO 10000 SP Industrial Steam Cleaner and Degreaser

STEAMBIO 10000 SP : Industrial Steam Degreaser

Intensive industrial use

The Industrial Steam Cleaner and Degreaser is a machine designed for industrial cleaning and sanitising of surfaces, equipment and premises. It is used to clean and remove dirt from all industrial surfaces and installations.

STEAMBIO 10000 L - food industry steam cleaner

STEAMBIO 10000 L : Food industry steam cleaner

Decontaminating surfaces

The STEAMBIO 10000 L is a powerful industrial steam cleaner for intensive use in industry. This model allows to clean and decontaminate surfaces (pre-disinfection). The machine is ideal for use as a steam cleaner in the food industry.

IBL Specifik - JETBIO Airborne surface disinfection device - New in 2020

JETBIO 2020: Appareil de désinfection des surfaces pour COVID19

Fully automatic

The couple JETBIO and APABIO are used to disinfect and destroy the COVID19 on the surfaces of a room without human intervention. Fully automatic, simply position it in the room, set the timer and switch it on!

photo of AIRBIO - Airborne disinfection device

AIRBIO : Appareil Automatique de Désinfection

Simple, fast and very effective!

The mister or aero-spray AIRBIO allows you to carry out an automatic disinfection of volumes by air up to 300m3!

ibl specifik product industrial foam gun netbio 600

NETBIO 600 : Autonomus Industrial Foam Gun

Cleaning - Degreasing - Disinfecting

The foam gun industrial stainless steel is the sprayer that will meet your needs: by spraying a detergent and disinfectant foam on the walls, it allows to clean the premises in a healthy way and to respect hygiene measures.

ibl specifik product netbio 200 professional foam gun cleaning

NETBIO 200: Autonomus professional foam gun

With integrated compressor

The device sprays foam on the surfaces to be cleaned and disinfected, which is obtained by mixing compressed air with the foaming cleaning-disinfectant or degreasing agent.

ibl specifik product apabio Ecological disinfectant hydrogen peroxide

APABIO : Ecological disinfectant

Hydrogen peroxide-based

Recommended for all types of disinfection and for automatic airborne surface disinfection. Can be used pure by spraying or with a disinfection device.

IBL Specifik 3D BIO  : Ecological foaming product

3D BIO : Ecological foaming product

Versatile, multi-surface, economical

3D BIO is a bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal foaming product with excellent degreasing power on animal and vegetable fats and various types of dirt.


After many years of research and development, IBL invites you to discover its range of professional cleaning and disinfecting equipment.

French Designer and Manufacturer since 1993

IBL is an innovative company, created in 1993, which designs, manufactures and markets under its own brand, IBL SPECIFIKWe offer a full range of approved cleaning and disinfecting equipment: Professional Steam Cleaners, Industrial Saturated Dry Steam Cleaners, Robot Conveyor Carpet Cleaners, Foamer and Disinfectant Misters (in compliance with NFT72-281 standards).

Our Professional and Industrial Steam Cleaners are designed to be easily maintained and to last over time, giving you complete satisfaction.

Our range of organic materials and products allows you to clean and disinfect all the surfaces of your premises in accordance with the standards in force.

Our objective is to reduce your water consumption, and therefore your chemical consumption, and consequently your effluents.

logo French production

We design and manufacture steam cleaning and disinfection equipment, a range of 100% organic disinfection products and appliances. Professional and industrial steam cleaners, disinfection misters for professional and industrial use. We work exclusively with European suppliers. All our components have been selected, tested and validated by our engineers, to guarantee the highest manufacturing quality and 100% Made In France appliances.

Research & Development - Quality customer service

research and development department ibl specifik

We invest heavily in innovation, research and development: IBL's technologies are patented worldwide and our automatic aerial disinfection devices have been awarded the standard NF T 72-281 from IRM, an accredited laboratory "COFRAC" //www.cofrac.fr/.

An approach that is increasingly respectful of people and their environment

IBL Specifik environmentally friendly cleaning and disinfecting equipment. Leaf icon

We are committed to providing you with reliable equipment, available technical support and factory-only after-sales service. This guarantees quality maintenance, repair and warranty. We have a large stock of spare parts. Our machines are designed to be easily dismantled and repaired, thereby reducing the cost and downtime of a machine in the event of a breakdown. Our aim is to provide you with innovative technological solutions that consume less chemicals, water and energy. Our technologies take into account the needs of the operator (ergonomics, ease of use and implementation).

We use only environmentally-friendly, biodegradable disinfectants.

We provide and guarantee a high quality manufacturer's after-sales service.

Cleaning and disinfection equipment adapted to all sectors of activity

ibl-specifik - cleaning equipment - all sectors

We are well aware of the importance of cleanliness in sectors such as hospitals and other medical environments (e.g. veterinary medicine), the mechanical engineering industry, the food industry, transport, early childhood... Our range of products includes cleaning and disinfecting equipment tailored to your needs. We are also at your service to advise you on the choice of equipment best suited to your needs.

IBL Specifik designs and distributes cleaning and disinfection equipment

Our 100% organic, broad-spectrum disinfectant solutions, combined with our steam equipment, enable the disinfection of floors and surfaces in professional and industrial premises, or in sectors with food surfaces, contact surfaces and medical equipment requiring decontamination or disinfection.

Discover our cleaning and disinfecting equipment by clicking here or contact us for questions or quotations.